Sunday, December 7, 2008

New York Times Book Review

Nicholas Blechman, the incredibly easy going AD at the New York Times Book Review, e-mailed me a few days ago for an Illustration featuring the British novel Peripheral Vision by Patricia Ferguson and of course I accepted. It was a little rough for me as I basically had 48 hours to go from sketch to final, but all in all it worked out pretty well and in the end I had a ton of fun.

The accepted sketch.

Some fun reference provided by my apartment mate and fellow illustrator Wesley Allsbrook, who's site you can check out here .

The finished ink.

And lastly the final. Thanks to Mr. Blechman this should be available on news stands either this weekend or next. If you feel like seeing it bigger be sure to check it on my site at

And if for some reason you are interested in the review itself, it is available online at 

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